
Since the foundation of our association we have also received great help from various supporters.


Hochschule Hamm Lippstadt:

We received 4 Ipads and many gym bags from the Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt. The iPads fare now used in the school in Abofour and facilitate the administrative work. For example, organisational and bureaucratic things can be regulated and documented more easily. 
The gym bags were given away to the students of the St. Jerome School. The children and teenagers often don't have gym bags or school bags, which why it was great to provide them with this basic equipment.

Priv. Erz. Irmgards Gymnasium: 

Another important supporter for our association is the Irmgardis-Gymnasium in Cologne. Since April 2019 the school is our partnerschool. At this year's “Hungermarsch”, a kind of donation run held every second year by the school, a total amount of 4400 Euro was donated to “Hand in Hand - Friends for Ghana e.V.”. We are looking forward to many more projects together with the school and especially the students. 

Village Boom:

The NGO "Village Boom" supplies us with solar lamps for a fee of 20€ which we distribute in villages around Abofour. 

Labdoo and the company Saurer:

Thanks to a generous donation of the company “Sauerer” we were able to give out 43 laptops to our local schools for administrative work. “Labdoo" provided all laptops with the necessary programs free of charge.


Außerdem haben wir unseren Verein bei Kindermissionswerk vorstellen können. Wir freuen uns auf gemeinsame Projekte in der Zukunft.